Chas Rant

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Poker Stats

Poker is fun right now. Go figure, I'm up. I have a micro bankroll, so you can chuckle at my closely watched and recorded figures where pennies actually matter. For example, last night I really wanted to play in the WWdN, but that would have been a third of my bank roll. So instead I sat on the rail and played a $3.40 SnG. I played the fewest hands I have ever played (without busting). I was mostly paying attention to the blogger tourney and then the bubble burst while I wasn't watching and I decided to actually focus. I had an M around 4, and was ducking and dodging until we were heads up. I then played mad aggressive kamakazi and won in less than 10 hands HU. Luck, absolutely. But it was a great lesson in not getting stressed with a short stack.

For the year:
Tournies: +$68
Ring: -$19'ish
March ROI: 88.34%
Year ROI: 60'ish%
Total tournies: 32
longest winning streak: this week with 5 consecutive cashes

(I do not put WWdN stats in, because with my bankroll it would throw it off and I consider those to be entertainment)

I was almost even money from original buyin back just before the new year, but WWdN buy-ins dropped me back under.

Total deposits: $77
Low: Feb 15th'ish <$5
High: Jan 1st'ish $73
Current Bankroll: $42

Like what is being discuss over there, I started playing poker for a +ROI game to feed my constant gaming need. I played Civ, Battlefield, WoW, as well as several MUDs. My attention span normally doesn't last too long, but I always have some kind of game addiction. Poker is a bit of an obsession right now, but my wife watches the bank statements and would nail me to the wall if I make a deposit. If I stick to the same bank roll, I should be safe.


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